Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Barbara Erasmus is a nomadic free-lance journalist who has decided to grow old with a mountain view in Cape Town. Her novels Kaleidoscope and Even with Insects were published by Penguin, while her third novel Chameleon has moved into the electronic era, starting life as a Crime Beat blook and now published under the BOOK SA imprint using POD technology through Electric Book Works.

Chameleon is a story about the private face behind a public image. Leigh Franklin has it all – looks, brains and a marriage to one of Cape Town’s most successful stockbrokers. Ever the perfect wife, she exchanges her own blossoming career as a forex and hedge fund trader to become the perfect mother to her adored daughter. She struggles to maintain her up-market profile as she is forced to face the consequences of both white-collar crime and an unwanted pregnancy.

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